
How To Manage The Relationship With Your Franchisees

It doesn’t take long for anybody in business to realize the importance of relationship management. If you cannot get along with customers, clients, vendors, regulators, and partners, you won’t go far.

Let’s look at the relationship between the two pivotal roles in franchising: franchisor and franchisee. The franchisor is the owner/provider and often the creator of the franchise system, whereas the franchisee executes the franchisor’s business model at one or more locations and follows the franchisor's rules, guidance, and specifications to the letter.

What are some ways that franchisors can facilitate the most harmonious relationships with their franchisees?

Managing the Franchisor/Franchisee Relationship

We have five simple suggestions and guidelines that can help you achieve the best connection with your franchise recruits.

  • Practice Excellent Communication
    Many franchisors have well-run franchise development teams and support systems in place to prioritize the needs of the franchisee. Franchisees should have access to support for every part of the new franchise in which they have just invested.
  • Be Attentive to Support Requests
    It’s not enough to provide launch training for your recruits, only to abandon them after a few months once their business unit is functioning. Calamities and unforeseen predicaments can and will arise. One of the fastest ways to alienate your franchisees is to limit or refuse assistance with business obstacles (especially regulatory problems if they occur).
  • Treat Candidates and Franchisees With Respect
    The Golden Rule applies to all aspects of life, and franchising is no exception. Your operations will be fraught with problems if you don’t give candidates and franchisees the same respect you desire from them.
  • Show Your Franchisees You Really Care
    Many franchisees leave the world of conventional employment because they seek something better than the relationships they had with bosses and employers. One common problem that sinks the employer/employee model: employers often do not appear to care about the success of their subordinates (or vice-a-versa, for that matter). Don’t let this be the case with you and your franchisees. In the franchise model, your success depends on theirs. This is your opportunity to break beyond the frustration of everything that was lacking when you worked as an employee/employer in the traditional business world.
  • Address Conflicts ASAP
    Businesses never do well when they allow problems to fester too long. If there is a disagreement between you and a franchisee, you may wish to seek mediation from a third party. Usually, there’s an amicable solution, so get help when you need it.

Franchising is a partnership like no other. Contact us if you need help or have questions.